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How Several Factors Impact How Much An Ultrasound Sonographer Earns

Ultrasound technicians are still known to earn considerably more than other allied health workers. While this is good, their salaries are also dependent on several other factors. Most of the time, better qualifications guarantee a technician better salary options. The following gives a couple of insights on how to earn even better salaries.

Enroll in a degree program that can give you an edge over other ultrasound technician graduates. The general preference is an associate’s degree, due to the immediacy of demand for technician jobs. But the benefits of the four-year degree course on ultrasound technology are better, especially salary-wise. Ultrasound technicians who have been to school longer have better employment options. The general consensus is that technicians with a bachelor’s degree are more qualified. Four years in an ultrasound technology program are more likely to give students the time to absorb the necessary concepts.

Students must be aware that simply enrolling in a school is not enough. Ultrasound technicians need to build educational foundations on a CAAHEP accredited program. Technicians get their knowledge and skills from schools, making where to study a crucial decision. Ultrasound sonographers would do well to pick a school that has CAAHEP accreditation. A good ultrasound technology school would always aim to get accreditation from CAAHEP. Because CAAHEP is rigid educational standards, employers are more comfortable hiring students from schools with accreditation. Students stand a better chance of passing the registry exam with CAAHEP’s high standards for learning. While it’s possible to pass the registry exam with any program, not many applicants would like to take chances. Students who acquire a license to practice for ultrasound technology generally end up a member of the ARDMS as well. Tapping the ARDMS is a good way to find suitable employment.

After graduating from an ultrasound technician school, make sure to get credentials/licenses from accredited professional organizations. Licensed ultrasound technicians are registered under the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) or Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI). These two professional organizations offer credentialing examinations to the technicians who are willing to get a license. Although licensing is optional for the ultrasound technicians, the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics says that licensed technicians have higher salaries. Licensed technicians are offered higher ultrasound technician salary and positions in the diagnostic department of hospitals. Ultrasound technicians without a license may find trouble looking for employment in certain states.

Researching on a state’s salary ranges for ultrasound technicians can help one determine his potential income. Ultrasound technicians tend to live in cities that offer the best financial compensation. Due to higher wages, more sonographers tend to look for work in New York City, Tampa City and Florida City. Annually ultrasound technicians in these cities can earn up to $20,067 to $80,373, 35,235 to $65,557, and $30,000 to $80,576, accordingly. Ultrasound technicians working in Florida, New York, California and Texas can earn in the range of $29,748 to $66,328; $20,608 to $82,372; $32,215 to $82,176 and $29,799 to $70,469 a year.

Ultrasound technicians with a rich background of experience are more often hired and paid well. Ultrasound technicians are also paid based on the competence they show in the field. The average salary range for sonographers working for at least twenty years is $85,000 to $90,000 per annum. Ultrasound technicians with less experience earn a minimum of $20,000 yearly.

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